Tuesday, September 27, 2016

I am grateful and thankful for all that I am and the great people around me. This is how I start a day of success.
The second part to launch your day:
Choices, good choices are one of the keys to living a great life. What you choice to do will make a difference in your future. Good or bad, it's you're choice.
Another is giving. Giving time, advice, money or just an ear but each one has a special and different meaning to the giver and the receiver. Think about how others receive your value or thoughtfulness.
Get around the people who value relationships over the mighty dollar, Enjoy their company and strive to give more than you will ever get back and you will have SUCCESS! Enjoy it, thrive in it and set the example. Other people need your help, your talents and your perspective.
Keep in mind many people will trade friendship and their integrity for non-lasting emotions and advancement. They may not care about and will not see the damage they do to themselves or those around them by their choices. This is just the selfishness of peoples life choices and a scarcity mindset. If their ignorance is brought to light, maybe they will change in the future but for now, move on to another that will appreciate your value.
It's all about choices. Make good ones and great ones and then enjoy the success you earned.eave behind the poor choices because you can't change them but you can choose to make new ones that are great! Go get it!
Great Advancement in your life is waiting for you to select a great choice. 

Brent Conley
Ways your relationships and business die...

Ego used incorrectly
Lack of focus
Lack of communication
Lack of commitment
Lack of respect
Lack of integrity
Lack of honor
Poor mindset
Poor judgement
Poor me attitude
Poor outlook on the relationship or business
Wrong people around you
Listening to the wrong people
No plan
No reflection
No vision
No worthy goals
No worthwhile rewards
No action
Waiting for others to fix it
You didn't solve enough problems
You weren't willing
You didn't help enough people get what they want

The list is simple yet complicated in meaning. It will detour some, cause disbelief in others and for the select few... It will be a game changer. 

 Read it over and over. Implement and change what you need to and improve massively the things you already do and in time.. You will see positive change. Cheers to your success! 
Brent Conley

What do you want out of life?
Make a list. Feel good about the list. Work towards accomplishing YOUR list.
Each day you are encountering progress... Whether it is Good or bad progress or even a setback during your venture... You still will have a great feeling, a fulfilled feeling that you are on the right path.
Happiness is purpose, progress and passion. Learn it and Live it.
Brent Conley

Brent Conley Coaching Question Are you happy?

Are you happy?... Is one of the most important questions and agent needs to answer so they can grow their business.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Want more? You have to become more.

Want more? You have to become more.
The person that you are now is good enough and it's going to create a fantastic life compared to most of the population but....
Could you become an even better person? Could you create an even better life?
These choices are what each one of us face everyday.
The simple answer is yes we all can.
The scary answer is yes I can and yes I will...
For those who dare to answer these questions with confidence and start working towards a better you and an even better life... congratulations!
It's coming. Keep going. Put in more effort. Ask a ton of questions. Also, Ask themed yourself when you get stuck... Then answer them with massive action.
Dreams and unlimited possibilities are in your future.
Brent Conley

Goals SRE office meeting August

Monday, August 22, 2016

2 years ago I wrote this for my friends on FB... This is not just for real estate agents...It`s for everyone in business, working for someone, going to school and going through life without focus.
You must prepare!.... It is an absolute not a maybe.
If you want to take your business or life to a consistent level, an increased production level and iron out many of the highs and lows most people experience in their lives or business, you must prepare for the next season of having less... less business, less time, less freedom to do nothing, less deals closings, less relationships, less money, less money to market yourself or your product or services.
The most important here is less time. It does run out for each of us. Prepare and increase your time when you want to or have to take time off.
When you are starting your day at ZERO or with a "fear of less of something in the future" you will immediately start thinking of ways to be more productive with your time and you will also become more creative with your mindset to obtain more business, education, knowledge or experience now. This will absolutely result in more opportunities in your future that are exciting.
Reread this every day for the next 21 day. You have to change to get to your next level. You must prepare for what you don`t see in the future as well as the time that fades away or is misappropriated daily.
Let me know if I can help you. I am available and excited to get you there faster!
Yours truly,
Brent Conley
Have a productive, safe and fantastic weekend. Thank you all for your support!

Brent Conley on what buyer believe they need help with when buying a home

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Monday, June 6, 2016

Brent Conley`s Carlsbad Real Estate Market Update June 6, 2016

Want to know about the real estate market in Carlsbad? 

The Average list price for a 3100 sqft home is $1,039,000. This gets you 4 bed and 3.5 bath. Average days on market is 66 days. The market is strong and homes priced well are moving! 
Check out our website.. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

If you want an extraordinary life... Live one!

"If you want an extraordinary life... Live one! The choice, effort and actions implemented are always yours. It certainly is not anyone else's. The help to create it is available to you." Brent Conley

You have the opportunity at all times to ask for help. You are surrounded by or have access to amazing people.
These amazing people are always willing to help someone advance in life. That makes them amazing! You just need to be around them or speak with them more often.
Give your gratitude.
Give trust. Earn trust. Keep the trust.
Give first.
Give back.
Consult. Ponder. Enact.
People are more willing to assist the givers and they will appreciate you more than the people who just take.
Exceptions of people's time are always given to those who show more interest and gratitude for someone's time, advice or direction. (Do not just take. This is a horrible trait that most people have. You will be found out.)
Advancement is not only about "you" if you will gain the respect, time and knowledge of a great teacher... even if you pay them to aid in your quest.
It's about the teamwork, possibilities created and how you can help society in the future with your obtained advancement. It's about success for them, you and others touched by this creation of knowledge passed on.
Teachers are not in it for the money! The great ones always can make more money being selfish and a taker but they choose to become more.
Don't allow yourself to be mislead by poor advisement from your peers or your own ego. Tune it out so you can advance.
Now... If you Don't know how to create extraordinary...
You will have to plan for it. You have to enjoy the process. You have to be around extraordinary people who are focused on living extraordinary. You have to be taking instruction from a great teacher to become more.
There is no maybe. This is an absolute. There is no doubt. This is a guarantee.
There is always a cost to your decisions. It's more expensive to create extraordinary alone. It can be done though. It's just a long and lonely transition with a lot more failures that are an absolute.
Besides, even if you go at it alone but watch others and mimic similarities, isn't that learning from a teacher without the benefit of successful instructions.
I live and enjoy an extraordinary life.
Brent Conley

How to property represent 2 parties in a transaction... known as... Dual Agency

Here is a quick 2 minutes on representing a buyer and a seller in a real estate transaction under dual agency. These  transaction get difficult but this is the simplest way I can explain how to not violate your fiduciary duty to both the buyer and seller.

Rising star Christy Lundy talks about how much money,growth and success an agent can achieve at Solutions Real Estate in their first year in the business...

Lest week I interviewed one of our rising stars Christy Lundy about how much money and success an agent can do at Solutions Real Estate their first year in the business...